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Virtual Office? We Put Your Fears to Rest. Watch Our New Video.

Prospective clients often express to us their misgivings about using a ‘virtual office’ rather than rent a regular business premises.  These fears are understandable, yet they are usually misplaced.  In this video we will explain to you, why having a virtual office is a great business solution, especially if you are a business start up, or an overseas organisation.

There is too much to deal with in one video so we have split our discussion into 2 parts.  We will be uploading part 2 shortly so if you subscribe to our YouTube channel you can be sure not to miss it.  In this first episode we allay your fears that a remote office is a ‘lazy’ office.  If an employee is working from his home, will they keep their mind on the job or will they be easily distracted.  We explain how advances in business technology can allay these concerns and let a remote workforce work smoothly and profitably without the need for expensive business premises.

We have extensive experience in guiding clients on how best to structure a virtual office scenario and we would love to have the chance to talk it through with you and reassure you just how advantageous it can be.  We are very easy to visit on Regent Street in the centre of London and we would be very happy to show you our boardroom and our other office services.