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3 Ways to Stay Healthy Working From Home #WFH

Working From Home and Staying in Shape

working from home

Setting up your own business and working from home is one of the best things you can do for yourself and start to enjoy life more. But in order to do that, you need to be healthy. Being healthy means you’re going to feel better, look better, and enjoy life more each day.

So let us look at some of the ways working from home in your virtual office can help you keep in ‘better than office’ condition.

Eating healthier at home

working from home

After years of rushed meals at the desk or queuing for a chicken sarnie at Prêt, working from home opens up a whole range of healthy options.

Preparing a meal in your home office can be one of the highlights of any day, especially if it’s lunchtime. You get to use your kitchen, fridge, and oven and stove to create healthy meals from scratch that you can make throughout the week with a few minutes on the weekend. I understand that not everyone has the luxury of cooking for themselves, but when you can take advantage of it, it’s a wonderful relief from taking care of business all day long.

Here are 4 things that you should write on a post-it note and put on your fridge door when you start working from home..

1) Avoid sugary-heavy drinks by replacing them with, sparkling flavoured water and tea.

I always keep a jug of iced lemon water near my desk so I can freshen up and keep myself hydrated.

2) If you want to limit snacking when you work from home, do meal preparation.

By meal preparation I mean you should set up meals so that they’re within your control and not haphazardly put together because you’re short on time or ingredients.

3) Set a meal schedule for your work-from-home workday

As a remote worker, you can choose when and where to eat—whether you want it to be during your lunch break or the middle of the afternoon.

4) Count calories to make sure you’re not overeating when you work from home.

It’s very easy to snack on calorie-laden foods when you are working a few feet from your fridge so invest in a calorie-counting app so that you don’t go astray. Whilst you are no longer stuck behind your desk in your city office you do not want to be stuck behind your home desk because you are too fat to move.

5) Don’t eat at your desk.

Easy to say but less easy to do. When you have worked in a busy traditional office, eating at the desk becomes normal especially if you are working hard on a project and you don’t wish to appear that you are slacking. But, nobody is watching, you are your own master and you have the perfect right to sit comfortably at the kitchen table or on your patio and let your PC screen saver do its thing.

Discipline is very important when you work from home using a virtual office and it very good training to make your own choices regarding meal breaks.

Staying fit mentally.

When you make that big switch from being a commuter working at Megacorp to being a freelancer or home worker you will miss certain routines. These changed can affect your mental and physical well being according to recent studies.

Anna Cox, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at University College London was involved in a study into the importance of commuting in people’s lives. Their concern was that people are missing out on daily activity like running for the bus or walking up underground escalators. They carried out a survey of 349 people on the “challenges resulting from a sudden transition to remote working”. They suggest that during the epidemic many people are missing out on daily exercise, often unknowingly, that was part of their going-to-work routine.

The Pretend Commute.

Many Londoners are not only working in ergonomically poor settings at home,they explained. They’re also missing out on benefits such as walking to a transport hub, going out at lunchtime and making a cup of tea in a kitchen more than just a few metres away.

This led to the fascinating policy proposal of encouraging remote workers to engage in a pretend commute.

They suggested this could be a 20-minute walk in a park or around the streets after breakfast and before starting work, a jog, or a cycle ride.

On return to home, people should go to their desk, rather than start doing household chores, to enable the transition to the work phase,

Keeping Fit at the Desk

Bontec Standing Desk


Staying productive can be hard when your back, neck, knees, and feet aren’t fully in working order. Investing in a desk standing up can help eliminate poor posture, thereby creating a more positive work environment. These desks are specifically designed for the unique height, angle, and pressure levels of desks that sit upright. You can choose between desks with a typical desk height of 7 feet or 8 feet, or you can choose an adjustable desk with a platform height of 10 feet. I like the Bontec mobile standing desk which is available on Amazon

You can also go one stage further and buy a home desk bike or treadmill that will let you comfortably combine your work and your workout. .Again the trusty Amazon site has lots of helpful suggestions to keep you fit and focused when you are working from home.