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Can Mindfulness Be the Missing Ingredient in Your Business Plan?

We all feel stress at work and this can often be a good thing in pushing us forward, but constant stress can also drain your creative juices.  In this video we look at some tried and tested techniques for easing stress from your workplace and helping you boost your bottom line.   Practising meditation and mindfulness has never been easier with a large number of smartphone apps you can download and try out.  There are also many local groups of meditators that you could sign up with.

Enjoying time with family and friends is obviously a great way to shake off workplace anxieties and you should grab every opportunity to be with people who can nurture your life.  Nobody ends their life worrying about a sales target they didn’t reach or a product launch that was a few weeks late.  they are small problems in the greater picture.

One of the easiest ways to reduce your business stress is to ‘go virtual’ with a professionally run virtual office in one of London’s most prestigious areas – Regent Street, where all the big brands are like Apple corp who are our close neighbours.  We check and forward your business mail for you and answer and screen your business phone-calls so that wherever your business takes you you are always in touch with your clients.  So why not add our great business services into your stress reduction programme?