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Some Top Tips For Your New Start Up Business

We are living in changing times and change always brings opportunities. To day we look at just a handful of business suggestions that would reflect huge moves in our society this year. You certainly would have noticed how many restaurants are now promoting Vegan food and how sections of your local Tesco are giving shelf space to milk that comes from oats rather than cows. We have seen our streets brought to a standstill by Extinction Rebellion protestors and school children ‘bunking off’ to protest about climate change. There is certainly money to be made in all this.

Maybe you have seen the new style perfume shops blending petals and spices to create ‘bespoke’ aromas to bring out your personality or skin care products that have been genetically engineered to work miracles on your complexion. We have seen ‘disruption’ in public transport from Uber and in accomodation from Air BnB  – fortunes are being made in these new sectors.  Watch our short video to get some inspiration to make 2019 the year you hit the entrepreneurial big time.