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How to Make the Most of Your Morning Energy and Be More Productive.

Did you realise you could be letting the first few moments of your work day affect your productivity?  It’s true, research has shown that many of us tackle rhe wrong jobs in the morning and then run out of important energy later on in the day.  For example, many people avoid doing difficult and annoying tasks when they start their working day.  There is an old saying that you should ‘eat a frog to start your day’ in other words get the nasty stuff done when you have lots of morning energy.  Don’t waste your first 30 minutes reading all your email, just glance through and prioritise for later in the day.

Many of us think that it is time efficient to multi-task but recent research says this isn’t the case.  It is much better to start your working day on one important project rather than flit from one to another.  Importantly we should not let negativity spoil our super-productive mornings.  It is easily done, holding on to the previous night’s aggravations or a difficult start with the kids.  It doesn’t matter whether you work in an office or work remotely, you must still avoid becoming negative.

One of the worst energy draining things you can do is to schedule too many early morning meetings .  These are basically ‘low energy’ events that are best scheduled later in the day when you have used up your morning’s energy most efficiently.  And last but by no means least, try to get some natural daylight by sitting yourself near a window.  Oh, and finally, don’t overdo the coffee before 11am it’s not good for you.