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Upgrading Business Technology is an Ongoing Process.

Many companies hesitate to make major changes to their existing business infrastructure.  I know of many otherwise astute organisations who procrastinate about changing methods that are time-honoured and familiar.  It must be remembered, however, that the world is moving forward at a startling pace and systems that worked well and felt cutting edge back in 2008 are no longer so effective or agile in 2018.

The most important change in office tech during the last decade has been the development of ‘Cloud software’ that moves the software from your own hard drive into a shared server in cyber space.  This has been driven by moves forwards by two important acronyms – ERP and saas, namely ‘enterprise resource software’ and ‘software as a service’.    Both of these systems are normal based in the cloud and are therefore updated on a continual basis and provide the level of enterprise redundancy that would have been unattainable 15 years ago.   This factor, combined with economies of scale  have driven many companies to move onto a cloud platform for all their regular business tasks.

We have accompanied this post with a video showing how these upgrades can work to enhance your business and link in smoothly with remote workforces and virtual offices.   We will shortly produce a video on how you can upgrade your CRM to better serve your customer base.