Many of our clients are small businesses and something that I feel particularly passionate about is perspective.
Whilst we have an established team here are Hold Everything HQ, many business owners work alone and the thing about this is that often, there is a different level of perspective.
I remember when I was starting out alone in business. It was me against the world. My business was my life (and in many ways still is!). The trouble was that because I worked only with one part time member of staff, sometimes the pressure of everything all at once felt a little bit too much. I would feel alone and that there wasn’t anyone I could turn to.
As the business has grown, this has become less of an issue, however when I speak to a client who is wound up about something that really isn’t as bad as they think it is, I remember being there.
My top tips for you if you ever find that things are getting a little too much are:
1) Take a five minute break. Sounds obvious? Sometimes just moving about and taking a deep breath can make that difference. Ask yourself “in the great scheme of things is this really as bad as it seems.
2) If you have received a “bad” email, message or voicemail – wait 24 hours before responding. Your replies are permanent. Don’t do damage by biting back, no matter HOW tempting.
3) Find other businesses in your position. I met numerous great businesses through business networking. If you’re just starting out there are many that are free to go along to. Having others to talk to really helped me to realise that things aren’t as bad as I sometimes thought.
If you are a bigger business dealing with smaller companies:
1) Remember that just because something that isn’t important to you, it doesn’t mean that it’s not essential to someone else.
2) Can YOU take five minutes to listen to a small business? What are your business doing to support start up mentoring?
3) Stay professional at all times regardless of how someone else is behaving to you and if you have been in that position, remember how it felt.
There are so many terrible events going on in the world and sometimes we need to step out and see the bigger picture. Theres always an answer.
This week our thoughts go out to those affected by the awful events in the USA.
Until next time
Richard Cooper – Hold Everything
Follow us @holdeverything1